Cardinal Pole Prospectus

I am delighted to have this opportunity to welcome you to Cardinal Pole Catholic School, a mixed comprehensive school for 11-19 students.​ We develop young people who are confident to question and willing to listen. We are proud to deliver exceptional academic progress and achievement at both GCSE and ALevel. Our school is built on strong foundations of discipline and moral purpose. We offer a lively, dynamic and highly successful environment in which to achieve. ​ We are an inclusive school and welcome families from a wide range of backgrounds. Mr A Hall Headteacher H E A D T E A C H E R ’ S W E L C O M E

‘Cardinal Pole Catholic School is a community of service guiding young people on a path to opportunity, aspiration, and reward, founded on Catholic values.’ O U R M I S S I O N

In striving to serve we will: Work hard and use time productively Prioritise the well-being of ourselves and others Seek dignity and human flourishing for all Be positive and inclusive Engage in respectful interactions Offer forgiveness and enable restoration Serve our local community

Opportunity means we will: Take part in enriching experiences Seek to develop our leadership skills at all levels Seek to develop ourselves: Intellectually Physically Spiritually Emotionally Socially

Aspiration means we will: Believe that tomorrow can be even better than today Have self-discipline and resilience Have high expectations of ourselves and each other Be ready to learn Have outstanding presentation of self: Deeds Appearance Words Praise others Actively listen

R E WA R D Reward means we will: Be ready to thrive in our chosen pathway Achieve outcomes of which we can be proud Be ready to lead a happy and purposeful life Take opportunities for growth Be ready to make a difference to the world Contribute to the Common Good in service of others

Our curriculum is designed around the development of the whole child. It is an exciting and enriching experience built on strong foundations.​ All students study a core curriculum in Year 7 and 8, with particular emphasis on Maths, English and Science. In Year 9 we offer an extensive range of GCSE courses.​ At KS3 we offer:​ English Literature and Language, Maths, Science (Chemistry, Physics and Biology), Religious Education, ICT, Modern Foreign Languages (French, Spanish), History, Geography, Physical Education, Art, Design and Technology, Music and Drama. At KS4 we offer:​ English Literature and Language, Maths, Science (Chemistry, Physics and Biology), Religious Education, ICT, Computer Science, Business, Health and Social Care, Modern Foreign Languages (French, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish), History, Geography, Sociology, Psychology, Physical Education, Art, Design and Technology, Music and Drama.

Relationships between teachers and pupils are excellent; in an observed lesson on gender equality the teacher demonstrated outstanding passion, commitment and creating knowledge and understanding. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS INSPECTORATE REPORT, 2023

Pupils really enjoy school and want to achieve.​ OFSTED, 2022 Progress is monitored continuously through the academic year and students are formally assessed twice a year during assessment weeks. In addition to this, subject teachers provide regular feedback, including detailed marking. This is supported by regular progress reviews, Parents’ Evenings and remote access to progress and behaviour information.​

Staff make sure that classrooms are places where pupils can focus on their learning. OFSTED, 2022

We encourage all our students to enrich ​ their learning with extra-curricular activities. We current ly of fer : Athlet ics , Badminton, Basketbal l , Bible Club, Boxing, Breakfast Club, Chess Club, Choir , Debate Team, Duke of Edinburgh, Fi tness , Footbal l , Homework Club, House Drama, Judo, Maths Club, Mus ic Lessons , Netbal l , Rugby, Sixth Form Study, Spoken Word, STEM Group (Science) , Table Tenni s and Trampol ine.

Pupils appreciate the school’s focus on both academic and extra-curricular activities. They value the personal and social development that is provided. OFSTED, 2022

The Pastoral Team ​(Head of Year, Deputy Head of Year, Pastoral Support Manager and 7 Form Tutors) work together to support students both in their learning and personal wellbeing.​ Learning Mentors, the Inclusion Team and Special Educational Needs Coordinator work closely with the Pastoral Team to ensure that your child is able to overcome any barriers to learning. The school employs counsellors from A-SPACE and has a full time CAMHS support worker to support students when they face difficult times in life. We also work closely with a range of outside agencies including Family Action and Young Hackney. ​ We are fortunate to have a Chaplain who works to enrich the spiritual life of the school and is always available to the students for advice, guidance and pastoral care. Our students have a strong sense of belonging and feel secure. We are confident that you will hear our students talk warmly about the caring atmosphere in the school and the way they find staff motivating and approachable.​

Pupils work hard in lessons and give their best and their positive attitudes to school mean that they can learn without disruption. OFSTED, 2022

Pupils are safe and well cared for. The school has a strong sense of community, and everyone feels included. Leaders have high expectations for all pupils. OFSTED, 2022

Our GCSE grades reflect a strong tradition of success, with performances in both English and Maths well above national averages. There were similarly strong performances in many of the open element subjects, notably Art, 3D Design, Music, RE and Sociology where students excelled. Our commitment to a rigorous and broad curriculum was demonstrated in the fact that nearly three quarters of all students were entered for EBACC this year (the study of one of the humanities and a language in addition to core); significantly more than the national average. We have continued to see students excel at our outstanding Sixth Form this year with 99% of students passing their post-16 studies. More than three quarters of students achieved grades A*-C in their final GCE exams this Summer and more than a third of students secured the top grades of A*-B. There was particular success in History, Philosophy and Sociology where our students achieved well above national averages. We saw equally strong results in our L3 qualifications where 100% of students achieved Merits or above in all areas; this was once again well above national averages. As a result of these, and many other, exceptional performances, our strong tradition of Cardinal Pole alumni attending some of the best universities in the country and abroad has been continued with students securing places at King’s College London, UCL and the University of Warwick.

S I X T H F O R M At Cardinal Pole Sixth Form we pride ourselves on outstanding teaching and learning in a caring and supportive environment. The Sixth Form is a natural progression for existing Cardinal Pole students who will benefit from our small class sizes, highly experienced teaching staff and dedicated pastoral team. Ofsted described Cardinal Pole Sixth Form as ‘Outstanding’, reflecting both the nurturing environment we provide and our superb exam results, which are consistently among the top 2% of Sixth Forms in the country.

Pupils are well prepared for their next steps in education. They make informed choices at key transition points. O F S T E D 2 0 2 2

In order to ensure that our teachers have the best possible training opportunities, we run an in-house Masters degree in Education, in conjunction with St Mary’s University Twickenham. We work closely with other local schools to share experiences and our expertise. We have forged close links with primary schools, delivering sessions on how to push the most able in Maths and English.​ Cardinal Pole Catholic School has a proud history of training teachers for London schools. As a Lead School for Teacher Training, we work in collaboration with many partner schools and providers.

Cardinal Pole Catholic School offers every student the opportunity to go on retreat for the day. A programme has been developed in order to give sufficient time for students to take a step back from their day to day life here in school and to reflect, pray and socialise with other students in their tutor groups. It is a time for reflection and a chance to work together. This enables them to deepen their faith, speak to new people and reconcile problems they had been facing.

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS INSPECTORATE REPORT 2023 Cardinal Pole Catholic School strives to support a number of charities and their work. We provide both regular fundraising support and also provide crisis funds in real times of need. We believe that thinking and acting to help others is not only the right thing to do, but also helps to develop our young people to be loving, thoughtful and well - rounded individuals. There is a strong sense of community in the school; pupils are taught to be friendly and polite, and behaviour is very good.

@ C A R D I N A L P O L E R C F O L L OW U S O N L I N E 205 Morning Lane, London, E9, 6LG 020 8985 5150