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Local Offer

Local Offer - information on local services and support for children and young people 0-25 with SEND:

Special Educational Needs and Disability

How school gives help to children with Special Educational Needs - SEN Support

Most children and young people have their needs met by being provided with support and/or services which are available as part of the Hackney Local Offer.

All children or young people either with an EHC Plan or on SEN Support will have:

  • One Page Profile/ Individual Educational Plan containing the views of the child or young person and agreed ways to support
  • Evidence of any additional support and specialist advice to meet the child or young person’s identified needs and progress against outcomes.

By using the process of Assess, Plan, Do, Review over an appropriate period of time and for at least two cycles, the support is tried, adapted as part of a ‘graduated approach’.


Your child’s difficulties are assessed so that the right support can be given. This should include, for example, asking you what you think, talking to professionals who work with your child (such as their teacher), and looking at records and other information.

This is reviewed regularly so that the support provided continues to meet your child’s needs.

Sometimes advice or a further assessment is needed from someone like an Educational Psychologist, Inclusion specialist teachers or a health professional.


School agrees, with your involvement, the outcomes that the SEN support is intended to achieve, for example, how your child will benefit from any support they get.

Everyone who is involved will need to have a say in deciding what kind of support will be provided, and decide a date by which they will review this so that they can check to see how well the support is working and whether the outcomes have been or are being achieved.


The school will put the planned support into place. The teacher remains responsible for working with your child on a daily basis, however, the SENDco and any support staff or specialist teaching staff involved in providing support should work closely to track your child’s progress and check that the support is being effective.


The support your child receives should be reviewed at the time agreed in the plan. You can then decide together if the support is having a positive impact, whether the outcomes have been, or are being, achieved and if or how any changes should be made.

What is a One Page Profile?

A One Page Profile captures all the important information about a person on a single sheet of paper under three simple headings: what people appreciate about me, what’s important to me and how best to support me.

How can they help us to support people better?

One Page Profiles are deceptively simple, and in this simplicity lies their strength. They help us to support people better by:

  • Helping us build better relationships by truly understanding what really matters to the person in their life and the way they are supported to live it
  • Providing a record that can move with the person as they transition from service to service or use multiple services
  • Being regularly updated to reflect people’s changing circumstances and aspirations
  • When staff have One Page Profiles, the people being supported feel like they get to know the person, rather than just the job title

What is an Individual Education Plan?

The teacher will use different ways of teaching and different lesson materials to help individual children learn best. This is called “differentiating the curriculum”. It is a normal part of the teacher’s role.

When extra help is needed, this is called SEN support (K). Schools have to decide what help is needed and then make sure it is effective. To do this they may decide to write an Individual Education Plan (IEP).

IEPs are working documents drawn up by schools to plan support for children with special educational needs (SEN). Parents should always have a copy of the IEP or OPP.

IEPs should only record support which is additional to or different from the differentiated curriculum available to all pupils.

Impact of interventions for SEN students

The progress of SEND students between KS2 and GCSE was above average for SEND students when compared to National validated 2015 data. Furthermore, improved practice and targeted intervention programmes in Maths and English  enabled the progress of SEND students last year with 68% of Year 11 SEND students improving by at least 1 grade or more in an year.