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Parents Forum's

Scheduled Monthly Parent Forum's - these take place on the first week of every month

Links to these forum's are emailed the day before the event to parents'.

Headteacher Parent Forum (Friday’s 10am)

Year 7 HOY / Parent Forum (Tuesday’s 12pm)

Year 8 HOY / Parent Forum (Friday’s 11.15am to 11.35am)

Year 9 HOY / Parent Forum (Monday’s 10am to 10.20am)

Year 10 HOY / Parent Forum (Monday’s 10am to 10.20am)

Year 11 HOY / Parent Forum (Wednesdays 9.20am to 9.40am)

Year 12 HOY / Parent Forum (Friday’s 9.10am to 9.30am)

Year 13 HOY / Parent Forum (Friday’s 9.05am to 9.25am)

Headteacher Forum Highlights

PARENT FORUM 2nd July 2021

Welcome and thanks for your support this challenging year.  This is the final Parent Forum of the year.

The school’s Social Media channels are very busy, the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Cllr Coban visited the school on Monday to discuss climate change and environmental issues.  They met with our Student Council panel and spoke to them about being young people in Hackney.  They also spoke about school life and the gardening club. They were very keen to listen to our young people.  

The school is working with the Turner Prize winner and artist Oscar Murrillo (also our former student) on an exhibition at the school, further details to go out shortly.

Year 11 Prom takes place this afternoon, it will be a BBQ outside due to Covid restrictions but should be a lovely event. 

Summer Concert next week and is being filmed this week, unfortunately it will not be live due to Covid restrictions unfortunately.

Our Poet in Residence who is employed at the school is organising a Poetry Showcase next week and this will be recorded and sent around the form groups.  

We are preparing for Sports Day and enrichment week, further details to follow.  Packed lunches will be provided if your child is on Free School Meals, otherwise students should bring a packed lunch with them and plenty of drinks.

Transition Day took place virtually yesterday again due to Covid restrictions.  As a result, we will be giving them an extra day of induction next year to compensate.

AP2 feedback is being given to students, along with directed improvement and redrafting time. Reports are being written with grades and will be coming home shortly to parents/carers.   Exams papers will also be returned to students. 

Any old/unused and clean uniform is happy to be received by the school to re-use.

A very successful smooth running term.   Students have conducted themselves exceptionally well. 

School uniform – blazers: quality of material not good, they keep ripping – will feed back to retailer.  

Head of Year 8 Forum:  Not been able to sign onto the virtual parent forum.  Headteacher’s Forum access is not a problem.    Will look into.   A reminder that the Head of Year Forums take place once every half term (the 1st week back).

Thank you to the Sixth Form’s excellent support received for my child throughout the year.