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Welcome from the Head of Sixth Form


Cardinal Pole Sixth Form is an Outstanding provider of Post-16 education. Our students’ grades are consistently among the top in the country for progress. We pride ourselves on outstanding teaching and learning in a caring and supportive environment. Our mission is to prepare students for the challenges ahead through excellent qualifications, strong personal development and exceptional university and careers guidance. Sixth form students will benefit from our small class sizes, highly experienced teaching staff and dedicated pastoral team. Our Ofsted grade reflects both the nurturing environment we provide and our superb exam results. This enables our students to make aspirational next steps,  progressing to universities including Oxford, Cambridge, Bristol and LSE with careers in the arts, medicine, banking and law. Most importantly, our Sixth Formers receive the respect, individual attention and care that all students can expect at Cardinal Pole Catholic School.

Mr T Read - Head of Sixth Form, Assistant Headteacher