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Common Good

To put our faith into action we raise money for our various school charities by fundraising throughout the year through ribbon sales, sponsored walks, sponsored ‘sleepouts’ and culture days in school.

Twice a year during the Christmas and Lenten period Cardinal Pole hold a Food and Clothes bank appeal that is donated to ‘Hackney Food Bank’ and ‘St Vincent’s’ Charity shop. This appeal is led by the Y12 Catholic Leadership team allowing our students to work together to serve those outside the school.          




Catholic Children's Society










The Passage


The Passage

















Vinnie Packs for homeless people were packed by the Caritas club and donated to a local charity.




18 students across the whole school donated to their year group charity, SVP, to enter into competition of who can set be best edges! Michelle the winner won a £15 gift card!  



Y8 Caritas Ambassadors created badges using ribbons that were sold to raise money for those affected by the Ukraine crisis


Annually we as a school hold a Christmas card competition. Below are last year's winners, cards are printed professionally, then are sold and all proceedings go to charity.

A group of Y11 and Y13 went on a 5-hour sponsored walk to visit 7 parishes in the Hackney deanery. Over £350 was fundraised for CAFOD and the Hackney food bank.

Red Wednesday

To prepare for Red Wednesday, a day to remember Christians who are prosecuted for their faith, we as a whole school community prayer a nine day novena leading up to the day, each day we focused on persecution in a different area of the world.

Members of the Caritas group made posters that went up around the school.

Caritas also made ribbons that they sold on the day to all students and staff, all proceeds were be donated to the charity ‘Aid to the Church in Need’.







Members of the year 12 leadership delivered a presentation on Christian persecution to all year groups in pairs.  

A strong community spirit was present on the day as students and staff wore red clothing as a sign of solidarity.


Students donated 270 items to the Hackney Food bank this Advent period.  


Throughout the year we have ‘Culture days’, on the day students are invited to wear cultural dress, all proceedings go towards the year group’s chosen charity.

The school collected 70 pairs of shoes for the ‘Shoe Box Movement’ the collection provided shoes for the homeless at Christmas.

Each year group battled in a FIFA Tournament raising more than £500 for charity, the winner won the newest copy of FIFA!